Wednesday 3 July 2019

Carnivorous Plants

This is a carnivorous plant. Carnivorous plants are plants that eats insects one of them is called a pitcher plants . It is a another way to say a jug and it looks like a jug too how it catch insect is when the insect goes inside it will fall into water and it will try to get up. The pitcher plants has some hair the points down so when the insect try to climb up but the pitcher plant has hair so they can  hurts the insect. Then the insect will fall into the the water because they are tired.Then they will start to break down and if they can't find food they will have to use photosynthesis to make there food but they don't want to.

Basic Fact End of Term Results

This term on prototec I am on stage seven. At the start of this term I was on e6, e6 is when you finish your test for prototec and if you are lower than 50 percent you will get a e6 but if you are higher you just get a 6. I being practicing prototec but at the start of the year when we had to go back to the school we had to go on timed on stage four. Now I am on stage seven it was a long time to get on stage seven I got 77 percent on stage seven at they end of term three I would like to be off stage seven

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Explain photosynthesis

photosynthesis is how plants manufacturer their own food but do you know how they do it.How they do it is when the roots xylem sucks in the minerals the minerals will go up the stem.Then it will go in the leaves but the leaves take in CO2 and take out O2 so  when it take in CO2 it will use the minerals and the sunlight does are the things that it needs inside the leaves they have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll are the stuff that make the plants glucose, glucose are the plants food but if there is no sun the chlorophyll can't make food that why you in winter they have no leaves but autumn tells them to get ready for winter so when winter comes they go to sleep but if it summer they make their food. So when the leaves finish making its food it will go up a straw called phloem when it goes up the phloem and to the rest of the part of the plants