Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Science Topic 3

 Today we went to Technology and we had to get ready for the bus and for science class, when we got to science class we sat in our seats and waited for our Teacher to tell us what to do.When the Teacher was ready she held up some science Equipment and asked us to tell her the name. When we were done we look at a screen and it had instruction on it about our science experiment, the teacher wanted us to make a doc and then write what was on the screen.

After that was done she told us what science experiment we were going to do.As she started talking about it she told us what we needed to do and what equipment we needed, after that she wanted us to get into a group of two and then grab our equipment. I was with my friend S  au and we got to work as fast as we could and this is what we did for our experiment. First we grab our equipment  and then we fill our beaker with cold water up to 100 ml

After that we used a Petra dish and a weighing machine so that we could use it to measure 10g of sugar.When we were done we got a timer and the beaker then we put a 10g of sugar in the beaker and then used a stirring rod to stir it around. When all the sugar dissolves we stop the watch and then see how long it takes for cold water to dissolve sugar in cold water. When we saw it we wrote down the results and then we did the same thing  but this time we used hot water and the result was faster. When we were done we went home, I had fun at science it was cool


  1. Kia orana Ngapera. Your vocabulary is very good as well as your explaining. I like how you showed us a picture on what you were doing during science class, but did you find out anything new that you didn't know before you went to science class? Other than that your writing is really interesting.

  2. Malo e lelei Ngapera. Nice work! You explained it very well. I could almost understand what you said. Did you learn anything doing this? What was your favourite part about this.

  3. Kia Ora Ngapera

    I enjoyed reading your science blurb today. When I was young I actually wanted to be a scientist but now I have different plans. What is your dream job? Your story sounded so cool I wish I was in your class, keep up the good work from your ‘favourite’ classmate : ). Nga Mihi


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