Jaylove is cool but he always plays with others and sometimes we don’t play with each other but we're cool with it. We like to play with each other sometime and we even ask each other if we would like to join. The funny part is that sometimes Jaylove makes me laugh and because when I walk alone I sometimes see him get chased by some girls. Sometimes I like to join too. He can make up some cool game but most of the time we say not to because in our heads we can tell not to play with it Sometimes we like to walk with each other but most of the time we play with our other friends and that alright when we come up with a game we try to make the most of it before
Jaylove gets chased by the girls again so when we line up we like to give each other a high five. When we walk to class we like to talk about what we did in morning tea and if it was cool we ask if they like to join sometime we say yes but when we have something else to do we say no. So that is my best friend and That why he is my best friend and I hope he picks me too. I like my friends and as a friends and I like it
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