Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Mother day

On Saturday we were at my dad's house with my brothers. We were preparing for mother's day for my mum so for her gift we were making food for her. We each took turns to make my mum's food. First it was my brother Tavita who was going to make raw fish with coconut cream and my dad helped. A few minutes later they were finished it didn’t talk them long to finished so when they were done we got to tasted it to see if it was nice and it was delicious so we got a bowl each when we were finished it was my turn and I was making donuts it was my first time making donuts but luckily my dad had a the right food to make donuts so we started making it it took a while but we finally got it. 

We had to wait about an hour and a half to make the donuts while me and my dad were waiting. My dad and my brother did their food so they didn’t take that long to finish. so my dad did his one too when he was done we looked at our donut and it looked ready so we put it on the table and we started making donut shapes. I was cooking them and I was making them. It didn’t take long so we finished fast then we had a taste and I liked it so we packed some donuts and other for her and then my dad gave her the bag then we went back to dad's house. We video call her too see if she likes it after that I was happy because she likes it.

 In the afternoon we went to my house. We were doing some house work but it didn’t take that long. After we wrote a mother day card to my mum the next day we had everything ready to give to mum but we had to have breakfast first and we gave mum breakfast in bed after we did breakfast we gave mum her mothers day gift and she loved it. So that what I did for mother day and my mum love it

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

I would rather stay home and do school work

I would rather stay home because it is safer, also it is better staying home and doing your school work because so your parents can help you when you need it. It is good staying home because your parents will worry about how you're going to get the covid-19 and if you get it they can't be with you. It is good to stay home because that is how you can keep safe from the covid-19. It is a really good ideas because the government told us to keep to you home schooling but only for Student's parent have to go to work

My choices is that stay home can help stop this covid-19 and when you go to school someone might have it and then we have to be in lockdown for longer and then you will get bored. It is better to stay home so you can spend a lot of time with your family, also because so that we can meet each other more insteads of staying home and just talking with them thought the screen 

So if I had a choices of going back to school or staying home and learn from home I would like to stay home and learn from school

Monday, 4 May 2020

My best friends

My best friend is jaylove and the reason why is that we were friends when we were in room two another reason is that he is fun to play with sometime he does silly thing but it's funny to jaylove is my best friends is because we're best buddies and we like to talk to each other sometime and because I like playing with him in new games because he act funny when he plays it. Another thing is that we act like close friends.

Jaylove is cool but he always plays with others and sometimes we don’t play with each other but we're cool with it. We like to play with each other sometime and we even ask each other if we would like to join. The funny part is that sometimes Jaylove makes me laugh and because when I walk alone I sometimes see him get chased by some girls. Sometimes I like to join too. He can make up some cool game but most of the time we say not to because in our heads we can tell not to play with it Sometimes we like to walk with each other but most of the time we play with our other friends and that alright when we come up with a game we try to make the most of it before

Jaylove gets chased by the girls again so when we line up we like to give each other a high five. When we walk to class we like to talk about what we did in morning tea and if it was cool we ask if they like to join sometime we say yes but when we have something else to do we say no. So that is my best friend and That why he is my best friend and I hope he picks me too. I like my friends and as a friends and I like it