On Tuesday room 11 went to dance class so we had to go into the hall for it. When we got to the hall we had to sit down in the semicircle, when all of the students was in the semicircle she started off by asking us to call her Mrs G after she finished saying that she told us to get into pairs and make up a four step handshake and to remember it. When all the student knew their handshake she told us to tell our partner that they were number one, when we did that she said to go and find another partner, when we did she told us to make a new one, when we did we had to find another partner but she wanted us to mixes with the girls so I went with one and she wanted us to use our feet and jump and turn. so I thought of one and said it to her and then we try doing it, when we did it when remember it so then she said that we were going to play a game.
When we were ready to play the game she explain how the game work. When we all understood we started to play the game when she called out a number we had to go to the partner that we had. When she finished playing the game she wanted us to get into partner so when I got into one she asked us how we did in lockdown, when we told her what we felt in lockdown she started writing words on the board when she was done she told us to pick three words and then make action that like the words but she used this word called locomotor and it means that it had to be still. I went with my partner and we were going to do angry, sad and surprised, when we were doing it we only had about 1 to 2 minutes so when the timer was up we had to sit down and listen to what she had to say so when she was done we had to stand up and show the class what we had practise. After we show the class we had to sit down again.
When all the students was sitting down she told us what she wanted and then we had to do it some of the word she said was repetition and the meaning of that was repeat the move twice and non locomotor and that means that we can move around and the last one was retrograde and that means to do it backwards. When she was done my partner and I was practising our move but we did it quickly because we only had 1-2 minutes so when we were done we still had some time left so we just sat down because we were exhausted, when the time was up all the students had to sit down and listen so when she was done we had to go back to class because the bell rang. I like dance class it was fun.
Here the link to a video
Dance class